The Palace Museum Literary Creation from the Thousand-mile River and Mountain Map

2023-06-13 18:10:07 74

  Originated from a group of paper calendars with the national treasure of Qianli Jiangshan Tu as the soul of creation, I deeply felt the great vitality of the Forbidden City culture. At the same time, it opens a window on the colorful and exquisite creation of the Palace Museum, and further deepens the understanding of the creation of the Palace Museum.

In recent years, there are not a few reports about the creation of the Palace Museum, and the president of the Palace Museum, Shan Jixiang, has become a popular figure. At the same time, it is also noted that each exhibition of them will be matched with a set of creative products, and even a related lecture will be accompanied by corresponding theme creative products. It is understood that the Palace Museum has broken through 10,000 kinds of Wenchuang products, and its sales have already exceeded 1 billion yuan.


  So what makes the whole cultural heritage both protected and alive?

Through a single Dean in an Internet audio-visual program, we can know the answer: "Ancient buildings, cultural relics have a brilliant past, should also have dignity of the present, but also should be healthy towards the future. In the past, when we worked on cultural relics, we often regarded them as objects to be appreciated and studied. But now it seems that they have a life course and can live. From this we can know that through the cultural products to close the distance between the Palace Museum and the audience, and through the extension of the Palace Museum's history and culture, to enrich the image of each related thing to give emotions, then these products can be popular. For example, a memorial from Emperor Yongzheng Zhu Bi: Yongzheng really doesn't know how to hurt your stationery tape.